About Impression Beauty Clinic
With two decades plus few years of extensive experience (Since 1995). Kalyani Umrani and her team have a focused presence in Impression Academy. Inheriting a legacy of genuine teaching and delivering complete knowledge to whoever students come to them is a quality of Mrs. Pushpa Bhagat (Kalyani’s Mother) and Kalyani too is an ardent follower of it. Pushpa started her salon and academy in the year 1988 when salon business was hardly known to people here. Pushpa and Kalyani proudly tell numerous individual’s names and salon names of their past students who are doing really well in this industry. There are hundreds of professional salons (small and big) owned and managed by their successful past students. Its indeed a fulfilling life to see so many simple but enterprising women take this as a career and flourish says Pushpa and Kalyani.

Happiness is in giving. Both of them share this vibe equally! They vouch to the statement saying, ”we never remember a day where we have given our knowledge half-hearted or wrong to any student who comes to us!”
They not just train people on skills of this industry but inculcate ethical values, honesty, good habits and soft skills in their students. According to them, it’s a transference of energy from the teacher to the students. Any student while learning not just learn the subject but takes a part of a teacher with him/her. So it is inevitable to have a purity of mind to create a person. Both of them are firm believers in the theory of Karma, “where your intentions matter more than your actions”. Believe in giving true knowledge, without holding back. The more you give, the more you learn is a simple theory they follow.
The last but very important point they feel to share is – “This is an industry of touch. You enter a person’s personal aura to treat him/her whether it be a skin or hair work. Your thoughts travel faster than words. A good and clean intention in any thought and action will create more good ripples in the long run which will benefit the humanity as a whole. It’s the purity of mind of the giver and also the person at receiving end benefits it mutually.” A firm believer in what you sow you will reap indeed!
Beauty therapy as a profession is as divine as a clinical practitioner if learned well from a right person.Message to all newcomers in this profession and also to the old ones is – Keep learning, Keep growing with a right teacher.To conclude this a Zen proverb says, “ When the student in you is ready a right teacher appears.”